Saturday, June 11, 2011

On top of the world--from Paris!

Day two was planned for originally to see the Louvre. However, it was Tuesday, and I had no idea that the Louvre is closed ONLY on Tuesday. This was a big disappointment and I kept taking some pictures of the area. So the day was rerouted towards Sacre Coeur [Scared Heart] Basilica in the Montemarte bohemian region of Paris. The name of this church stems from a legend that the heart of Christ was buried under this church. This church was located on top of a hill and had never-ending views overlooking all of Paris.  The tough part was getting to the views—this was done by climbing over 300 ancient stone steps up a spiral staircase (talk about heights and getting dizzy)! But the view from the top was completely worth the climb. Words cannot explain this view, so below are some pictures from the church. 

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